What is it? Why is it used?

The Numbers


A Canadian study by Worsley et al. (2010) found that a PET/CT scan changed treatment direction in 50% of cases (1).


PET imaging allows physicians to avoid costly biopsy surgeries in as many as 70% of cases (1).


When comparing staging techniques for patients with esophageal cancer, PET/CT-based diagnostic imaging had a cost-effectiveness ratio of USD $60,544 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) (7).

What is a PET/CT Scan?

A PET/CT scan is a special kind of medical test that helps doctors see inside your body. It uses two machines – a PET scanner and a CT scanner – to take pictures of your insides.

During the test, you’ll lie down on a table that moves through the machines. The PET scanner will create pictures that show how your body is working and where there might be any problems. The CT scanner will create pictures that show what your body looks like.

The pictures from the PET and CT scanners are combined to create a detailed picture of your insides. This can help doctors find out if there are any issues, like tumors or infections, that they need to take care of.

PET/CT Scanner

The test is painless and usually takes about 30-60 minutes. Your doctor will tell you if you need to have a PET/CT scan and what to expect during the test.

What is the risk?

Learn How PET/CT Scan Impacts

Why PET/CT Scan is used

PET/CT scans are used by doctors to help them see what’s going on inside your body. The scan can show if there are any problems or issues, like tumors, infections or inflammation, that need to be treated.

PET/CT scan can also be used to see how well treatments, like chemotherapy or radiation, are working. By comparing scans taken before and after treatment, doctors can see if the treatment is helping to shrink tumors or kill cancer cells.

Overall, PET/CT scans are an important tool that doctors use to help diagnose and treat different health conditions. They can help doctors get a better understanding of what’s happening inside your body so they can provide the best possible care for you.

How a PET/CT Test Works

A PET/CT scan is a special medical test that combines two types of scans to give doctors a more detailed picture of what’s happening inside the body. The first part of the test is called a PET scan, where a special radioactive tracer is injected into the body. 

The radioactive tracer contains a small amount of radiation that is detected by a camera, creating a 3D image of the body’s internal organs and tissues. The second part of the test is called a CT scan, which uses X-rays to take detailed images of the body. 

The PET and CT images are then combined to give doctors a clearer picture of any health problems, like cancer, that may be present. This helps doctors to diagnose and treat illnesses more accurately.

What does a PET/CT Test Show

A PET/CT scan is a special medical test that shows doctors what’s happening inside the body. During a PET/CT scan, a special radioactive tracer is injected into the body that contains a small amount of radiation. 

This radiation is detected by a camera, which takes pictures of the inside of the body. The pictures show the areas where the radioactive tracer has been absorbed, which can indicate if there are any health problems, like cancer or inflammation. 

PET scans can also show how organs are functioning and if they are working properly. Doctors use PET scans to help diagnose and treat different health conditions.

We are in Burnaby, BC

Our clinic is welcoming and designed for patient comfort. INITIO was designed for patient comfort and prioritizes patient needs and care. Every INITIO patient will have a private room for the injection and uptake process, in preparation for the scan.

#300 – 3185 Willingdon Green
Burnaby, BC V5G 4P3

Hours of operation: Monday to Friday 9AM-5PM

We are in Burnaby, BC

Our clinic is welcoming and designed for patient comfort. Focused on individualized patient needs and care, we offer a private, comfortable room in which patients can receive their radioisotope injection & relax while preparing for scan.

#300 – 3185 Willingdon Green
Burnaby, BC V5G 4P3

Hours of operation: Mon-Fri 9AM-10PM | Sun – Sat 9AM-7PM